Save time and money on new build projects in Educational Estates


a more efficient way to deliver major new buildings on campus

TREVOR NICHOLSON Client Representative

Formerly Director, Head of Placemaking

CBRE London

Schools and Universities in the UK are constantly improving their facilities to offer a higher standard of education, but is it reasonable or realistic to expect the Bursar or Estates Manager to deliver large scale building projects in their spare time?

Used extensively in the USA, a Client Representative is a new, more cost-efficient way of delivering major projects on campus - driven by efficiency and accountability, not habit and convenience.

Bursars and Estates Managers rarely have the time, expertise and energy to specify and oversee building work, read the Contractor’s small print and…negotiate the price.

An independent Client Representative guides them through the key stages and runs the professional team for any capital project on campus.


Clients usually save significantly more than our fee from cost and programme savings we negotiate and control -the project is more likely to be delivered on time and on budget.

Stakeholder Consultation

Professional Team Appointment

Design Brief

Planning Permission
